Lastnight was a frightening night here in Arkansas. Tornadoes everywhere. We have 13 confirmed dead. The main twister hit Atkins, Cleveland, Clinton and Mountain View. There were also tornadoes in Gassville, Cotter, and Highland. The picture above is from the tornado in Cleveland. My cousins live in Clinton, my uncle and his wife live in Baxter county about 20 miles north of Mountain View and 20 miles south of Gassville. Both of my sister in laws live in Mountain View. We were worried sick about my sister in laws lastnight because channel 11 said that the hospital, school and some of downtown Mountain View were tore up. We called and called them and could never get through. Finally, one of them called me about 7:30 this morning to let me know that they were okay. She doesn't know for sure the extent of the damage yet because she hasn't ventured out. They still do not have any electricity. One of my sister in law's boyfriend wanted to go to his grandmother's basement and Cindy (my sis in law) wanted to just stay there because the storm was about to be there and he left anyway with his two daughters. His grandmother's house was right in the storm's path and they still haven't heard from him. Please keep him and his little girls in your prayers and pray that they have a safe return. Mother Nature is wild and mysterious...definately nothing to play around with!
UPDATE: Mike (Cindy's boyfriend) is safe, but he did have a wreck. By the time he turned onto his mother's road, it started hailing and the tornado was right there. It picked his car up in the air and dropped it making it flip and he ran into a fence. It busted the back glass out and he and his girls crawled out the back. God was definately with them. Also, my mom talked to my cousins and uncle, they are all ok! :)
That is terrible about your sister-in-laws boyfriend. I hope they are all ok.
thanks ashley for thinking about them! :)
crazy...I hope everyone is okay..i was reading about the twisters in the news this morning.
That is so scary! I am glad that your family is all ok. I hope they dont have to much damage to there homes. Keep us updated!
that is so crazy! I can't believe it! I am so glad they ended up ok and one busted window in a truck isn't that bad compaired to what could have happened! Tornado's are not a force to be recond(sp?) with. I try to tell Wade that when we have them here and he is always outside trying to get pictures. dork, he watches that storm chases show on discovery too much! haha!
heather I sent it out on Monday night to your lady bug address on yahoo...I just forwarded it again! let me know..
Sending prayers their way,I am glad everyone is okay!!!!
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