Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. My hubby SURPRISED me with a card and a dozen roses, and they were peachy colored! My man doesn't like to buy flowers because they are a waste of money considering they die and all, but he knows that I absolutely love them. The card is what meant the most. He never does this! I asked if he picked the first card he came too and he said no, but that his buddy that was with him did! haha Don't mind the eucalyptus in the background, they were already sitting there.
Rindee sent me the February issue of Real Simple magazine and it has this yummy sounding Corn Chowder recipe in it so Lauren and I made it on Wednesday night. It was super simple and super delicious!!
Last, but not least..for all of you guys that live around Warren, the Mane Event has started selling Staxx rings and necklaces. I think the Gift Shaker in Monticello sells them also. They are super cool and have endless posibilities. They are similar to the Caerleon ring (which I have and love dearly) but cheaper. For those of you who do not live around here, just go to their website and you can either order off of there, for find a place that sells them near you!

Have a great weekend!
And WHY does she not have her cooking apron on!?!? LOL
That looks SOOO good! I need the low down on how to make that!
That corn chowder looks just like the picture....Good for you! Nothing I make ever looks that appetizing!
Love the flowers....that was so sweet! I love flowers too....but I understand how the card can be more special!
I love flowers as well,but I dont get them often either-dont know why...LOL.They are beautiful!!
I love real simple, it has the best recipes! It looks soo good and I'm so hungry right now! I love the flowers you are so lukcy! what a great guy to suprise you!
I got flowers too! Two weeks in a row!! That chower looks good... If you have time email me the recipe... lakenescobar@yahoo.com!!
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