Monday, June 30, 2008
Slight Change of Plans
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
We are Closing!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Diet and Update

Sunday, June 15, 2008
{Playing at the Park}
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Pink Tomato Fun!
Jackson was excited to get his face painted!
This is Lauren's best friend from preschool, Maddie.
Lauren's ready for the train ride around the square!
Jackson had to sit by some other girls, he didn't care though! :)
They also got some airbrush tattoos and they spent the afternoon with their Nanny and Pappy while we went to Lowe's to pick out some stuff for our house. Wow, I never realized how expensive cabinets were! haha Anyway, we are off to watch the fireworks which is the official end of the festival! Nighty Night!
Friday, June 13, 2008
{Pink Tomato Festival}

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
{Need Input}

Monday, June 9, 2008
{Our Land}
While the beginning of packing started this weekend, Jackson decided to get my camera and take a picture or two. The one above is one that he took of himself with a gel mask that I found in one of my drawers. The one below he took of his monster truck jeep thingee. Kids are funny.
P.S. Did you notice the jeep has ran over a naked Barbie? haha Lauren would be upset!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
{Picture Post}
On Memorial Day, we bought one of those fill up/blow up pools at Walmart. We sat and played in it while Chris was filling it up.
Of course, I was hot so I sat in it in my clothes then Chris sprayed me with the water hose. I had my jeans rolled and the cuffs were full of water!
Even baby Diesel loved the water!
So, of course today we played in the water this afternoon since I was off. We have been swimming in it everyday and it is freezing when we get in there. Corie's little brother, Leighton, came and played today too.
This is a video I took of Diesel the other night. He is so cute! Lauren will jump up and down and he thinks it is hilarious! I will really miss seeing Diesel so much if we move!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I gave it to three contractors yesterday and all three are to get back with me in a couple of days. I asked the buyers if they could wait until Thursday before they went to the bank so we could decide if this is something we want/can afford to do. We do not want the fireplace and want french doors there to go to the patio and make the door it had into a window. After reading everyone's comments on the in laws thing, I'm scared. Makes me think I should stay where I'm at until the building is almost complete if that is what we end up doing. I certainly do not want to rent because our house payment is cheaper than most people's rent price. Decisions, Decisions...
On a different note, I still haven't posted about Memorial Day, I hope to get pictures up soon. Probably tomorrow since I'm babysitter less (she is having a procedure done) and I will be at home all day instead of work. I have been making time to read during all the chaos and have read Something Borrowed, Something Blue and Baby Proof by Emily Griffin. I think she is one of my new fave authors. She just had another book out and it is definately on request with! I also requested The Host (b/c I don't want to buy it for fear it sucks) and Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson.
Something Borrowed is really good and Something Blue is the version of Something Borrowed told from another point of view. Baby Proof is unrelated to the first two and is ok, but no where near as good.
Have a good day!