I think it's time I get serious about my weight. Not just for looking great, but also for feeling great and for my health. I have had a heart arrythmia for going on three years and take medicine for it, but feel that if I could lose weight and get healthy, that I might have to take the medicine anymore and maybe it would go away. My weight has been an ongoing struggle since having my first child. I was 139 when Chris and I got married and I have revealed to some of you what I way now, but don't feel the need to post it for the world to see! haha Let's just say it is well over 100 lbs. more than what I started with! I would love some suggestions on what to do and how to get started, so please share! I just feel that with the moving and all that is coming up, it is time for change all around!
Update on the house....The appaiser came on Tuesday for the folks trying to buy and their loan officer is on vacation this week and next, so we are moving right along. When we find out about all that, we will finally decide which contractor to go with for our house. I had to get an exemption letter from Cleveland County Health Department stating that we didn't have to have a perk test since we had more than 10 acres. He sent the paperwork out yesterday for us to fill out. This is definately taking longer just to get started than I ever imagined!
ug! I hate diets. But sadly I have had my fair share. I think the hardest is sticking with it once you loose the weight. From personal experience in this subject, I believe that first cutting out the sugars and pop COMPLETELY is a huge step. We all eat way too much sugar!!! Good Luck Im rootin' for ya!
Weight Watchers. Pay the money for like 10 weeks.... then you will feel guilty for doing it and will go and then you answer to THEIR scales. That is what I did. I NEVER weighed at home. I saved that for the meeting night. I lost over 25 lbs and it was easy... IF you stick to it and make some changes and learn what to do.. it is very EASY if you are wanting to lose weight! You will just have to find where there is a meeting place close to you. We have it here on Tuesday nights. Good luck.
OH, I did the no carbs thing and lost.. BUT that is NOT a way of life for us... we eat bread, potatoes and rice and LOTS of it! Needless to say I gained the weight right back!
Well...everyone knows that I have a diet that will work! HA!! But, I certainly don't recommend it!!! This really sucks right now!
I agree with Chandra...cut out cokes and simple sugars. That helps TONS! Eat smaller meals more often to rev up your metabolism. Eat fruit to fill you up in between, and drink lots of ice cold water if you still feel hungry...it'll fill you up! (before this liver/gall bladder thing) I would snack on those 100 calorie packs or flavored mini rice cakes and they worked pretty well.
Once, I found this really cute pair of capris that I LOVED at Dillards...bought them in a size too small...and hung them so I'd see them everyday. That was my motivation. It worked.
But, a diet is a diet, is a diet. Nothing will work until you make a life-style change. It'll come right back on once you get comfortable with your weightloss. Changing your life-style habits is the best!! Good Luck, Sister! I wish you the best!!! :o)
Oh, sorry I forgot to mention this.. Before I started Weight Watchers I got off of COKES.. I was adicted and drank LOTS every day.. I changed to Diet DP and then cut down to like maybe 1 or 2 a week. This was a HUGE change for me!
I cannot stay on a diet for anything....I know I NEED to lose weight but I just cant stay motivated! Sorry I have no encouraging words for ya! But good luck!!
Ha ha I can see the southern people on you comments. You call soda drinks "coke" I call it "pop". I just thought that was funny.
I so need to do this too! I just can't get the motivation. I have gained so much weight the past 2 years. I hope you do well! Maybe you can motivate me!
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