Update on my grandmother: They drilled not one, but two holes in her skull yesterday to relieve the fluid/pressure/blood out of her brain. She is doing better so far and she is talking and hearing again and knew my dad when he asked her who he was. She just looked at him like he was crazy for even asking! haha Thanks for all your prayers and wonderful comments..still keep her in your prayers please!

Well, South Arkansas gets icy weather once a year or so and today is our day I guess. School has already let out at 9 this morning and the ice sure is building up around here. It is 26 degrees right now and the high tomorrow is 51! What kind of sense does that make?
oh my gosh, I would take that weather, I know it sounds crazy, but I would! When it warms up to 32 I think we only need a jacket! Seriously, I never thought Iowa would be this freaking cold!
oh and I'm glad your grandma is better, that is really good news!
that's arkansas weather for you! lol!
I am so glad to hear that things have gone well and she is doing better!
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