Ok, so lets name the Tinseltown Tuesday today for what it really is....Spears Family Tuesday. Hollywood is super boring right now with the exception of the Spears Family. Wow! There has to be something else going on besides the New Hampshire Primary!

We all know Britney was taken last week from her home in an ambulance to Cedars-Sinai ankle strapped and all. She was held for a day or so and released. Her family wanted her to stay longer and Dr. Phil was even involved. What?? Dr. Phil, is he even a real Doc? Don't get me wrong, I love the man's show, but to really treat someone? Anyway, they (fam and doc) want Britney to stay in a treatment facility and get some inpatient psychiatric help. She's not having it. All custody and visitation of her children have been taken away from her, at least for now. She is to have a hearing in the next week or so. She DID NOT test positive for any kid of drugs, they think she is severely bipolar.
Jamie-Lynn was seen yesterday at an adult education center getting a GED study book. The girl can still go to school, what the crap?

Oh and Nicole Kidman is pregnant..it has been confirmed.
It makes you wonder, if she could have kids and Tom could have kids, why did they adopt before having biological children? Just wondering...

Have a good week!
It is very sad if K-Fed is a better parent. I hope Brittney snaps out of it.
I bet she didn't want to mess up her body (nicole) - kids totally do a number - you and I both know that. Also I think brittany needs help, from dr. phil or anyone, what kind of mom acts this way?
I think celebs often adopt because it is "easier" for them, no slowing down to re-coop or anything. Which is ok....but I don't get the international thing, with a lot of them. Why not adopt american children that are in foster care?
as for Brittany, I hope the poor thing doesn't commit suicide. Something is terribly wrong, and the paprazzi need to give her some space. I know she asks for some of it, but I have seen some of the "deer in the headlights" pics of her babies in the car, and they have no right to blind the kids with camera flashes every time they leave their home.
i guess i need to be your siskel to your roper.. Ok nicole was pregnant two times w/ Tom's baby one she misscarried and one was an ectopic pregnancy..she is probably well into her second trimester b/c i am sure all you moms know after the first trimester the miscarriage rate decreases.. And it has been lately reported that Isabelle and Connor don't even call her mom anymore, but Nic's reps deny this rumor but Katie Holmes aka "Kate" has recently said in a magazine interview that the kids do call her mom and they live full time w/ Tom and "Kate". Now, as for the Spears cluster..Jamie Lynn was registered in a private school in Louisiana where she has been attending off/on since she was little but dropped out this past winter b/c she was pregnant..A school official said that they would have expelled her anyway, so do you think she really wants to attend a PUBLIC school in lower Louisiana?? i think i would want to get my GED too!! Brittany needs some major help w/ therapy and meds. And if Oprah loves Dr. Phil why should we not, and God knows her money grubbing mama and alcoholic dad sure have not been able to do anything w/ her lately!!???
amber-i knew about the miscarriage/ectopic prego with nichole and tom, but she never actually had one with him, i also knew about them calling katie mom and not nicole. i just report the happenings for the past week. i assume everyone knows what has happened in the past and some things i don't consider worthy of me even talking about it.
hea-ther.. if you are going to report on the stars you need to report on everything..some ppl may not be crazy like you and me and know every little tidbit of info on every star..u act like you are telling a story from warren, you only put in the goods and not all the facts..ha/ha jking again!!
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