Today...October 31, 2008...I have been at my job for three years and am loving it as if it was the first day here!! How many people can say that? That they love their job and never get tired of it. Odd to say, but when I first started here, I didn't even want to be off on the weekends because I liked it so much! hahaha
We had a pumpkin carving contest here (at BCMC) today and we entered these two pumpkins:
I did the spider on the left and Chris did the Dracula on the right. He got second place and I got fourth. The lady that won did the pirate ship from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Yesterday, I went with Lauren's school to the Pumpkin Patch. She had a blast!! Needless to say, we were all exhausted by the time we got home!
This is when she finally arrived off the lovely school bus:
Her and her friend, Maddie:

Lauren and a few of her classmates after they picked their pumpkins out:

They have the house put together, anchored and ready for the water, septic and electricity folks. After that, they can finally come in and finish it so that we can move! We went to look at it yesterday and this is the back and front of the house so far....
AND...I finally got to see what my bathroom looks like!!
Wanted to end the post with this picture that Jackson tried to take of himself and one of the carved pumpkins this morning!! Have a great weekend!