Hola Senoritas!! Assuming everyone is female! haha Anyway, I need a new post so here we go...I tend to get all gung ho into things that I like and with case in point...I am OBSESSED with Big Brother 8. For those of you that don't know what that is, it comes on CBS on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday nights. It is about these "houseguests" that live in a secluded "house" on the CBS lot for like 3 months. They have no access to TV, Internet, Phone, nothing. They have a person that is elected as the Head of Household who then nominates two other houseguests to be put up for eviction every week. One of these houseguests will go home on Thursday night every week. They also have a Power of Veto competition, but I won't get into that. Anywho, I started watching this show a few years ago. It comes on in July-September of every year and I absolutely love it. Anywho, my FAVE person got voted out last Thursday night and I am still just so mad. His name is Nick and he is from Minnesota and played Pro Football for the European Football League. I am like a little school girl because I found his MySpace page and he added me as a friend! So excited! He also added about 3,000 other people, but we will just ignore that! My husband just rolled his eyes when I told him about this. He thinks I'm crazy, but that's ok, he still loves me! So enjoy the pic of beautiful Nick and this is my post for the day. I hope to have before and after pics of my bedroom that I am painting by the weekend! Love Ya!!
I have never got to into that show - I don't know why? I've tried to actually so many people love it! I can't wait to see pictures of your bedroom! Fun stuff!
have a fun weekend (and finish twilight - I can't wait to hear what you think!)
I think that is so funny! I never watched that show but I love that you are a stalker! just kidding. I have silly crushes like that too. And sometimes I feel bad because I'm married. But come on its a celebrity.
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