I forgot to take a picture, but I do have an update. I took Lauren to our hairstylist (Diesel's mom, Corie) and she leveled the bangs off and trimmed her hair all over. The bangs like to go to the right side, so we are just combing them to the side and hairspraying them a little. It looks really good, so I'm pleased! Also, I found out that it wasn't gum, it was sticky tac like you put on the wall to hang stuff with. What? The teacher said she doesn't know where she got it from. Lordy Be! Anywho, how about that Grey's Anatomy lastnight? It didn't disappoint, that is for sure!! Stay tuned for Monday because I will have reviews of Knocked Up and Vacancy! Have a good weekend!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Don't Forget!
Gum in the hair!
I go to pick Lauren up at Preschool yesterday and for some reason their teacher has been giving them bubble gum every afternoon. First of all, we couldn't even have gum at school when I went, well we weren't suppose to have it, but anyway... So here she comes running to me in a great mood and there is this green piece of gunk in her hair right in the front on her bangs. GUM!!! I get home and try all of the home remedies like rubbing ice on it (which what is that suppose to do anyway really?) and someone said something about peanut butter and I decided I would rather cut her hair than have to clean peanut butter out of it. So, that is what we did, we cut it. Bad mistake! Now she has these awful looking super short bangs. I don't know what to do! She is suppose to have her school pictures this next month and her hair was so cute! Now, well, not so cute! Any suggestions?
I had to post this one for fun....she looks so upset!
Making Cookies!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
New Layout!!
I found this cool place where you can get cute and FREE layouts for your blogger! Check it out!
Bachelor News!!

This just in from TMZ.com:
Curses! There's another "Bachelor" breakup! In Touch is reporting Charlie O'Connell (brother of Mr. Romijn, Jerry) and his nurse-lady, Sarah Brice, have hit Splitsville after two years together. A lifetime in reality TV show hookup years!"We split a few months ago -- it was a clean breakup, nothing out of control," Sarah told the mag. "I definitely thought I'd spend the rest of my life with him -- I think we both did -- but there were some things between us that we couldn't resolve." Maybe the fact that they met on a TV show?!Sarah says she's still "best friends" with the Charlie, who "starred" in "Dude, Where's My Car?" and added, "We still love each other a lot." And in case you were wondering who'll get the couple's dog, Lucy, sleep tight. Sarah's keeping her.
I so hate that, because they were among my favorites!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tinseltown Tuesday

It's Tuesday, so you know what that means!! It's Tinseltown time baby! haha
6. Pamela Anderson is back in the news, not because she is with Kid or Tommy, but because she is now dating Rick Soloman. You remember him right? The guy who made the now infamous "movie" with Paris Hilton? I personally never saw that and never care to, but don't you think these two were made for each other..she made a "movie" with Tommy!
5. Richie Sambora is in rehab in Utah at the Cirque Lodge. This is the same place that Lindsey Lohan is. Hmmmmm....maybe he is just trying to get close to her! haha j/k Richie is cute for an older dude and I hope he gets his stuff in order. Happy Recovery!
4. Salma Hayek and Samantha Harris (from Dancing with the Stars) both welcomed baby girls over the weekend. Congratulations!
3. George Clooney had a motorcycle accident in Denver over the weekend. Some guy in his hooptie mobile ran into his bike. He also had that model chick he's dating on there with them. They were both taken to the hospital, but no serious injuries were sustained. Please don't mess with my Georgie!!

That's it for this week! Stay tuned!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Baby Diesel
Baby Diesel was in the hospital this past week with pneumonia. He is doing better and my how he has grown! He was 3 months old on the 21st. His mom and dad bought the house next door to us and I'm so excited about getting to see him grow up first hand. Not that I wouldn't have seen him anyway since he is family, but his mom lets me keep him more since I live next door! Happy 3 month Birthday Diesel!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
I'm IN LOVE with the book Twilight. I hate that I hee hawed around in getting to read it. I can't put it down. I think I'm even in love with Edward Cullen! haha except that he glitters in the sunlight..kinda weird there, but anyway...if you haven't read it...do, it is a MUST! Thanks to Kim Young for sending me New Moon and Eclipse with the last book swap we had! I can't wait! If it wasn't for her, I would have to make a mad dash to Barnes and Noble to get them so I wouldn't miss anytime in reading. So does anyone know if she is writing another after Eclipse or is that the last one?

You're" Alice Cullen - You are vivacious and full of energy! Your childlike way of looking at life makes you both amusing and special to your friends. You make an excellent friend, although you do have a tendency to get uppity if you're not immediately given your way- people often give into you for your charm.
Take this quiz!http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?

Which Twilight novel character are you?

You're" Alice Cullen - You are vivacious and full of energy! Your childlike way of looking at life makes you both amusing and special to your friends. You make an excellent friend, although you do have a tendency to get uppity if you're not immediately given your way- people often give into you for your charm.
Take this quiz!http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?
School Day Swap
Hola!! I finally got a battery for my camera lastnight! Yay!! Anyway, I wanted to formally thank Anne Marie for my swap loot! I LOVED IT!! Anne Marie worked at Subway h3er senior year and sent me a subway gift card! Yum-O! I will be using this today for lunch! She liked to eat Mamba's when she went to the movies, so I received some of those. What is funny is that those are my absolute favorite candy ever! haha She burned me 3 cd's with hits from 1999. Brings back a lot of memories!! I also received the movie 10 Things I Hate About You! LOVE IT!! Heath Ledger...yummy! haha j/k He wasn't that cute in this movie, but boy did he get better looking later! haha Thanks Anne Marie and thanks Erica for hosting! Until next swap....
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tinseltown Tuesday!

7. Britney's in the news AGAIN. Surprise Surprise! Her manager along with her lawyer have both dumped her. Her lawyer just says she will not cooperate and her manager said that after the VMA's that they demanded to see her and she refused. They felt she needed help but wouldn't hear of it. She needs to go to church or something! I don't know what else to do with this chick! Nothing else seems to be working!
6. In other Britney news, her children both celebrated their birthday's last week. Sean Preston turned 2 on September the 14th and Jayden James turned 1 on the 13th. K-Fed threw the tots a party together. His ex, Shar Jackson was there along with Britney's parents. Britney was a no-show.
5. No surprise, I'm sure all know by now, that Christina Aguilera is pregnant! Congratulations!

4. Barry Manilow refused to guest on the View because of Elisabeth Hasselbeck. He stated that he wanted Elisabeth to be gone that day and he would show up. The Producers of the show stated that Elisabeth would be there, so oh well, his loss! He stated that he disagrees with her conservative views and thinks she is dangerous and offensive. Who the crap listens to him anyway!! The days of KocaKabana (sp?) are over dude!
3. OJ, OJ, OJ.....supposedly he breaks into a room at a crappy hotel/casino off the strip in Vegas. He was arrested and charged with several felony counts, including 2 counts of robbery with a deadly weapon and 2 counts of assault with a deadly weapon. No bail either! Are we surprised really though? I personally feel that he had his wife killed way back when, but he isn't stupid enough to do it himself. This, on the other hand, is different. Retard!

2. The Emmy's were held on Sunday. Of course I watched. I watch all award shows except the Daytime Emmy's. There wasn't any drama, but here are my picks for best, worst, and okay dressed....
Best....Kristin Bell, Felicity Huffman, Katherine Heigl, Eva Longoria, and Debra Messing
Ok....Ali Larter, Lisa Edelstein, Rebecca Gayheart, Kate Walsh, Vanessa Williams
Worst...Jenna Fischer, Anna Paquin, Becki Newton, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, and Portia De Rossi
You can google their names and the 2007 emmy's to see pics.

1. I am a HUGE Big Brother fan and tonight is the finale and I'm sure my fave will win, Dick Donato! He is up against his daughter Daniele. I know the jury hates Daniele, so it would be a big upset for Daniele t
o win. Tune in tonight on CBS at 8/7 central!

That's it! Have a good week!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Dear John and Sickness

I finished the book Dear John by Nicholas Sparks in one day. I have been trying to get to it for probably a week or two, but never had time. Jackson had the stomach virus on Thursday and Friday. I sure didn't want to watch cartoons for the 2nd day in a row, so on Friday I started reading. OH MY! Such a good book, although I would have ended it different. I was also proud that I read a whole book in one day. I haven't had the time to do that in soooooo long. On the note of sickness, thankfully, no one else got Jackson's illness, but on yesterday Chris became ill. He slept all day, his legs hurting, his head hurting, and he couldn't even keep his head up. He took 3 baths yesterday trying to make himself feel better. I talked to my mom who is a nurse, and with the mosquitos being so bad, she suggested it might be West Nile Virus. I was freaking! He developed a fever in the night and I kept waking him up from touching his head to check. He went to the doc today who stated that he had a kidney infection and a viral infection from a tick bite! Check yourselves everyday if you have ticks like we do here! He had been cleaning up a trail around their deer camp on Saturday and I guess that is when it happened. Hopefully, in a few days, things will be back to normal in the Perry house!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tinseltown Tuesday

7. I'm sad to announce that Body Shop founder, Anita Roddick, died Monday night in London after suffering from a major brain hemorrhage. She was 64. I certainly hope someone takes over and continues her legacy. My honey body washed body will miss her!
6. Steve-O (Jackass) has a new show coming up. It is titled "Dr. Steve-O". He is on a mission to "de-wussify" all wussies on the street. Apparently "de-wussing" someone is making someone do bad things in front a police officer and not getting caught. I see someone going to jail over this show...bad idea!!
5. Everyone is talking about Paris Hilton's hair from the MTV VMA's. Apparently they say she looks like a 56 year old woman. So what! I didn't think it looked THAT bad. You be the judge.
4. Kid Rock and Tommy Lee (both Pam Anderson's exes) are neither one apparently over her. Why else would they be fighting? Besides being overgrown children? Apparently, Kid Rock was ignoring Tommy while he was mouthing stuff to him in the background. Kid walked over to Tommy and b-slapped him with the back of his hand. Then there was a punch. Tommy Lee was escorted out (crap considering he didn't do the physical starting) and there is said to be a battery charge for Kid. Boys, Boys, Boys!! Didn't mama teach you how to share? haha

3. Vanessa Hudgens, the cute dark headed girl from the High School Musical movies, has some nude photos circulating these days. They were pictures that were taken 2 years ago (she was 16 then-hello!) and they were only emailed to Drake Bell of Nickolodeon's Drake and Josh! What???? She has publicly apologized. WOW!
2. Sara Evans (country singer) was on Dancing with the Stars, if you remember, and she dropped out in the middle of the season to proceed with a divorce that she had just filed. She had just found out that her husband was cheating on her. Poor Sara! Not so much now...her husband has filed a counter something or other stating that she had affairs with not one, but several men including, Kenny Chesney, Richard Marx, her Dancing with the Stars partner, some of her band members and 3 members from the band 3 Doors Down! Wow-someone has a cheating problem! Is there a meeting for that?
1. Britney Spears....I actually feel sorry for this girl for once. As a mother of two kids, I know what kind of damage and weight gain can be done to your body. I have gained 130 pounds since conceiving my first child. Some from this and some from that, but a lot was baby weight and I just never even tried to get it off. I'm lazy, I know. Anywho, everyone is talking about flabby she was and several other things, but mostly how flabby she was. HELLO!!! I would give anything to have her body after having 2 kids! She looks good! Her hair sucks, but that's her fault. She should not have shaved it! haha Anywho, and for that Sarah Silverman to take a shot at her kids thinking that was funny, calling them 2 adorable mistakes...that was just crappy! Britney has brought a lot of this stuff on herself, but give the girl a break...and don't talk about someone's kids. That was low....Sarah Silverman is not funny to me anyway. Heffer!

So, that's it!! Your Hollywood fix for the week! Hope you enjoyed it!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Weekend Fun!
Well, my camera needs a new battery and of course, it doesn't like regular batteries, I have to have a special Kodak something something battery. So, until I can make it to Wal-Mart (which is in another town for all of you who are blessed with big towns/cities) I will just have to use pics from the net.
Third on the list was Perfect Stranger. This movie stars Halle Berry, Bruce Willis, and Giovanni Ribisi. It is about a girl who works for a paper in New York and her best friend from childhood comes up dead. The girl, Halle Berry, comes from a troubled childhood and the supposed best friend knows a secret on her and blackmails her into doing everything she wants. So, when the friend dies, they suspect this very wealthy and promiscuous man (Bruce Willis) of killing her. This movie is very suspenseful and definately has a surprise ending. I would love to have read the book if there was one. The language is pretty bad. They use the F-bomb frequently. I give this movie 4 stars.
This weekend was somewhat boring I suppose, but I loved it! We have been going, going, going the past several months every weekend, so I was pleased to just sit in my pj's all day yesterday and watch movies. I decided to give a critic's view (haha) of the movies that I watched.
First and foremost, I watched (minus husband and children) Georgia Rule. This movie is a definate chick flick which I absolutely adore chick flicks! It is about a girl who is unruly (Lindsay Lohan-imagine that) and her mom (Felicity Huffman) takes her to Idaho to live with her grandmother whom her mom hates. Of course, it brings romance and some skeletons come out of the closet only to bring this unruly girl and her mom closer. I give it 4 stars out of 5.
Second on the list was Are We Done Yet?. This is the sequel to Are We There Yet?. It picks up where the first movie left off. Nick (Ice Cube) and his wife (Nia Long) are expecting twins and decide to buy a home in the country. Of course, this home falls apart in all places when bought. I gave this movie a 2 stars because if you have ever seen Money Pit from the 80's starring Tom Hanks and Shelly Long, then you have seen this movie. I was very disappointed. My kids liked it though! haha

Last, but not least I watched Disturbia. This was such a good and suspenseful movie. It definately kept you on the edge of your seat. It is about a boy (Shia Labeouf) who is on house arrest and he makes a habit of looking through binoculars at his neighbors. His mom had taken away all his tv, itunes, and such. Anywho, there is a serial killer on the lose and low and behold...it just might be his neighbor, Mr. Turner. This movie is filled with sadness, happiness, love and suspense. It is a definate must see for you thrill seekers. I give this movie 5 stars!!
So, there you have it boys and girls!! That is my weekend fun! Talk to you tomorrow for Tinseltown Tuesday!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Tinseltown Tuesday

Tinseltown Tuesday is going to be one fact short today. The celebs just aren't giving me anything to work with! haha Plus, I'm a little under the weather today and late getting this posted. Anywho...off to la la land...
9. Owen Wilson is said to be doing much better. I think he has been released from the hospital, but not sure.
8. Sean "Diddy" Combs, Puff Daddy in my day, held his annual White Party in St. Tropez this weekend. In attendance on the white carpet were Mariah Carey, Busta Rhymes, Donna Karan, Ashley Olsen, Tommy Lee, and Star Jones just to name a few. The wife of Billy Joel, however, was asked to change her clothes when she showed up in a cream colored outfit. She opted to leave. Don't blame her!!
7. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are ready for baby #5 says Brad while promoting his Jesse James flick in Venice. He didn't specify if it would be a biological child or adopted. I vote adopted. I don't see Angie doing that again to her body. Just me. Don't forget, they have baby Shiloh together, Maddox from Cambodia, Zahara from Ethiopia, and Pax from Vietnam. I heard they were planning on the next one being from Ethiopia again.
6. Speaking of Brad Pitt, he was malled by some chick in Venice. She stated she was just trying to get a hug, but she should know better than that!!
5. Britney Spears is sporting a ring on her all important finger! She's been partying a lot with Mindfreak Criss Angel, but this is supposed to be for her appearence on the MTV Video Awards to be held on Sunday. Some sources say she was wearing the ring before she even started hanging out with Criss....let's hope so...she does not need a man and especially no more kids!!
4. Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger are kaput. They do still share their 23 month old daughter, Matilda. Hopefully they will get along for her.
3. Free Katie Holmes! That is what one MARRIED online dating service is saying. They offered her a lifetime membership. haha
2. Wedding Bells were ringing on Saturday. Among the married on that day were: Kate Walsh from Grey's Anatomy who plays Addison....they have only been dating since February so we shall see on this one, Usher finally got married after his mishap before, and Guiliana DePandi from E! News and winner of The Apprentice 1st season, Bil Rancic, were married on Saturday.
1. Awww!! The Bachelor's Andy Baldwin (see previous post) competed in the Kentucky Ironman contest this weekend. It was a 3 part competition including 24 mile swim in Ohio River, 112 mile bike course through Louisville, and 26.2 mile run to finish. He crossed the finish line 1 hr 1/2 after the winner, but since he was late anyway, he stopped and carried his love, Tessa over the finish line with him. So Sweet!!
Have a good week!
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