Well, Christmas has come and gone and I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We sure did at the Perry household. Busy, but merry!

The week started out with festivities at the in laws'. The whole gang was together and everyone was happy with their gifts and the kids had tons of fun outside, it was rather warm that day.
On Christmas Eve, my mom and stepdad come up and stay the night so that they can see what Santa brought the next morning. We had our feast and watched the traditional National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and added A Christmas Story to the agenda this year. We baked cookies for Santa and the kids set them out for him. They awoke to many gifts that were wanted and some that they didn't even ask for.
On Saturday, we had Christmas with my brother and sister and then traveled to Ashdown to my dad's and visited there for a bit.
Hope everyone has a HAPPY NEW YEAR and after turning the big 3-0 tomorrow, I can't wait to see what 2010 will bring us!