Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Awww!! thanks everyone for making me feel loved again!
Now, I am in search of some parenting advice. My little boy is a sweet little boy, but when he gets mad, he is stubborn and very angry. If I tell him no, he just keeps on. I have finally told him that once I say no, that is it...quit talking about it because my mind is not going to change. He and his sister fight constantly. I know this behavior is pretty normal for 7 and 5 year old siblings. But, today for instance, his teacher just called me. She said that yesterday afternoon they did a writing exercise after they were done doing standardized testing, so many of them were sloppy as the kids were tired. She had several of them redo the exercise this morning. Jackson didn't want to do it, so he slopped down the writing and wouldn't even put his name on the paper. When she told him that he could do better and wanted him to erase it and start over, he got mad and broke the temple off his glasses. UGH! What do I do? Of course, he will be in trouble when he gets home and the Wii is definately off limits for a while, but he has gotten to where he has a smart mouth (something else that I read was typical of his age, but I don't remember being that way) and when told to do something, I have to stay on him until he finally does it. Many a night we have struggled getting homework done due to the fact that he just didn't want to do it and then I pressure him to do it and he loses it and screams and just throws an all out temper tantrum. I'm spanking and he finally will do it. This is not everyday, just only every once in a while. The teacher he has this year is the same one he had last year and as wonderful as she is, I sometimes wonder if he knows how to play her? I don't know..I need help and advice. What should I do? We have tried taking things away, spanking, being stern and we are at our wits end.


Rosjuane said...

Alot of it is normal. The only advice I have is stick to your guns. Take away for specific periods of time, and reward him when he has done right.

Debbi said...

Yay, I think it sounds nomral especially for boys...I think taking away the wii is a good idea. I wish I had better advice, but we still use time out, not sure if that works with older kids either. good luck, you better let us know how it goes!

Ruth said...

I guess you need to call the Nanny on TV. She sure can do wonders. Just keep putting him back in time out until he knows you are boss..

Mom of these kids said...

I am glad to hear I am not the only one wondering about my boy's attitude and smart mouth! I almost posted about this not long ago wondering if it was the age, or what. I have no advice....I don't know what I would do. Maybe everytime he has an attitude keep taking more stuff away....until he has nothing left if you have to. I hate homework time....those poor kids work all day, and then all night too! I hated that when they were in school...(that short time haha) It could be that he feels really comfortable with her. I have just been trying to talk to Noah constantly about how hurtful his words, attitude and actions are, and it seems to be helping a bit. Good luck girl...keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I am a new lurker here and wanted to say "Hi." I too am a momma, to 5 kiddos. My two boys are almost 13 and 11. I will tell you the key with my boys esp is consistency. My two boys are about as opposite as any kids can be. 10 yr old is my handful and always has been. He is my push every button kid, doesn't take no for any answer and on and on. We have even done the "martial law" on him with his room. You strip everything from them, take all toys, things they can play with out of their room. You leave them a book or paper, pencils, something to draw and that is it. They have to earn back the other things. It becomes priviledges. I tell you this has worked with my 10 yr old, when nothing else did. When he had NOTHING left he squaked for a few days but then saw we were business. It's so hard, but it gets easier when they realize they are NOT in control..Hang in there and I look forward to many more coversations with you!