Our Christmas started the Saturday before at Chris' parent's house. Both of his sisters and their kiddos came down and much fun was had. We decided to cook steaks this year instead of the traditional since we had just had it at Thanksgiving! It was a nice change. The kids had a lot of fun and all the boys and "grownup" boys played frisbee during the afternoon.
As I have mentioned before, my mom and stepdad come up every Christmas Eve and celebrate with us. They are there for Christmas morning and get to see all of the excitement. I was able to get off work at noon and my mom got there soon after. We started cooking asap and even got the cookies done early for Santa. Chris let me open what I thought was my big present this year, my Wii. We had a lot of fun. I highly suggest one if you aren't even in to gaming. They are tons for fun for the whole family. My mom and stepdad are even going to buy one now that they have played ours!
Christmas morning brought more surprises. The kids loved everything they got. I was super spoiled this year. In addition to my other gifts that I already knew about, considering I was with him when he bought them and I wrapped them, Chris surprised me with a Nikon D40X camera! I couldn't believe it. I have been wanting one for over year and would never buy one for myself. I love it. Later that afternoon, we went to my sister's and celebrated with my family and when we come home, that is when the virus hit my poor Lauren and you know the rest of the story!

Tomorrow, I will be 29 and can't wait. Hope no one else gets sick and we have a safe and healthy birthday/New Year!
Tomorrow, I will be 29 and can't wait. Hope no one else gets sick and we have a safe and healthy birthday/New Year!
It looks like ya'll had a wonderful Christmas! Your kids are so cute and growing up way too fast!
Yay! I am glad that you all had a Merry Christmas! Poor Lauren! I hope she's better by now! Happy Early Birthday, too!!!!!
Glad your CHristmas went well. I love that camera.
Happy Early Birthday!!!
You will have so much fun with the Wii. Jason loves boxing & golf and of course I am fond of the bowling. I actually got mom into the Wii bowling. We also like the Mario Kart game.
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