On Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 9:35 p.m., Jackson Grant Perry entered our lives. Chris and I had been married for one year and ten days when he was born. He came out looking like half Hispanic/half Chinese because of his Bilirbuin being so high, but you wouldn't know that today by looking at him, he is as white as I am and we all know how white that is. (My nicknames in high school were Powder, from the movie, and Clorox) Anywho, he weighed 8 lbs. 7.4 oz. and was 21 inches long. I did not have the luxury of having pain medication with him and I thought my body would never feel the same again after having him. I knew the full reason why they called it Labor. When we came home, my mom stayed with us for a week and the first day that she was gone and Chris had to go somewhere, I freaked because I was at home alone with this tiny baby. I got over that and the years have flown by. Now he is 7 years old and in the First Grade, loves The Transformers, The Hulk, Batman and any other superhero you can think of. He may be fair complected and have blonde hair like me, but he looks just like his Daddy. He gets his temper honest, but he has the most loving personality and is a Mama's Boy. We love him with all our heart and are proud that he is ours.
Happy Birthday J!! We Love You!

P.S. I know some people have been freaking because of my Christmas countdown to the side! I start early on my Christmas shopping. The earlier, the better for me because aside from our two kiddos, we have 6 nephews, 3 nieces and 1 great nephew, not to mention the parents and others that we buy for. The day after Thanksgiving is my big day to purchase though! :)