Friday, July 25, 2008

Twilight News

Go here and see what happened yesterday at Comic-Con. I can't wait for this movie and it's only 7 more llllloooonnnnggg days until Breaking Dawn!!


Debbi said...

I can't get the link to work - maybe it will later, but please don't remind me only 7 more days becuase that means only 7 more days until I have to have the house done too - and I am no where near ready. ARgh, and everyone will get to read it before me :( I can't read and drive and I don't want an audio book! You have to SWEAR not to tell me anything!

brittany said...

Debbi should get an audio book anyway. Driving that far... you either need that or satellite radio. ;) I have no idea what these books are about either.... I'm so in the dark on everything except batman. I'm going to see that next week! YAY! Chaps, we gotta get together for this class reunion. Do you know a definite date? I need to buy a plane ticket....

The Perry Family said...

hey brittany!! i think the date is oct 3rd and 4th. i don't know if i'm going or not. girl, these books are GOOD!!!!! if you like to read, you should definately read them!

bowling1 said...

I just got back from San Diego and you cannot imagine how many people are out there attending Comiccon. While driving past the convention center on Wednesday & Thursday I saw....Batwoman, Batman (poor rendition), an adult Storm Trooper and a child Storm Trooper (yes in the actual costume). The news said that there would be around 300,000 attending the conference. I really wanted to take time to go inside the convention center but the customer appointments would lot allow for it.

Mindy said...

I can't wait to see it. I am currently reading the saga over again, even though I just got Breaking Dawn in the mail today!