Ok, so I send a fax over to our local paper on Wednesday with an ad for our house to be printed in the Classifieds for this next week. The next morning, I have a phone call before I go to work with someone being interested in our house and they want to come look at it. Yesterday, they came and looked at it and say they are very interested. This afternoon, they call and say they want it and will go to the bank on Monday. How's that for super fast? It hasn't even come out in the paper yet! I wondered how the guy knew about it and found out yesterday it is because he works at the paper and saw the fax come through. He and his wife and I went to school together. He is a year younger than me and she is a year older than me. They are super sweet and have two little ones...a girl and a boy. Kinda weird because that is exactly how the rooms are set up. So, now I'm freaking because we haven't found a house yet. I called the realtor about the house that I posted about below and someone has made an offer already (not in writing though) and they are going to their bank on Monday. And thank you goes out to Rosjuane for letting me know about a house on the Pine Bluff highway. We drove by, but couldn't tell exactly which one was their's. I believe it is a grayish two story. I am still in love with my friend, Debbi's old house on North Bradley, but the people that are living there just bought it last year for $205,000 and are trying to sell it for $239,000! They didn't even do anything to it! The house across from that one is also for sale and is huge! It is 3202 sq. feet but they want too much for it too. Plus, the Pecan Grove (i.e. the whole front yard) is not for sale with the house, it still belongs to the previous owner, Scott Richardson. If anyone hears of anything else kinda out, please let me know because I am definately in freak out mode!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
BREAKING DAWN!!!!!!!!!!!

As Erica stated, the new version of Eclipse now has the first chapter of Breaking Dawn in it. You can go {here} to read a part of it. It doesn't tell you much, but I am SOOOOOOOO ready for August so I can read it myself. And, then after that she is coming out with a book with Edward's version the first book. I had already decided against reading this, but I know I will cave in to the pressure because these are the best books ever. I don't want them to stop! haha
Friday, May 30, 2008
House Hunt...
{THIS} (look at the 3rd one down, home with 5 acres, beautiful landscaping) is the house that we looked at yesterday. After driving by it on Wednesday, I was super excited about it. It has 5 acres, is about 4 mile out of town, a shop for Chris (to store things, he is not mechanical), a cool pavilion to hang out under, a gold fish pond, beautiful landscaping...I was stoked! So we contacted the realtor and scheduled an appointment to look at the inside. The inside was pretty and although there is no picture of the kitchen on here, it was gorgeous. Beautiful cabinets and appliances. It has an upstairs bonus room that we could use as a 4th bedroom. The only problem is that it is smaller than our house and we need more room. We would have to get rid of some of our furniture to move into this house. I never realized how spacious our house was until now. So, the search continues....
Oh...we have a couple coming by to look at our house today at 5:00. I have no idea how they found out because I haven't even listed it yet! haha
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
We Need More Room!

We have contemplated back and forth for the past year that we would like a bigger house. We have lived in our home since we got married in the summer of 2000. We have had both of our children who are now 5 and 6 in this house and definately have a lot of emotional attachment to it since if we were to ever finally move, would be our "starter home". We are, I think, officially ready to put it on the market. The above picture is not of our home, but the only pic I could find with a For Sale sign in the front yard! So...if anyone is interested in a house on Hankins Street in Warren...
We have around 1 acre and a half I would say. The lot next to us is empty but included in the house at this time, although we may sell it to our nephew next door. It is three bedroom, 2 bath, den, great room, laundry room and kitchen. The carport could hold two cars if you squeeze, but comfortably one. It is a little over 2,000 square feet. It has an attic over the carport. The air conditioning unit is a Lennox and is only 4 years old. Laminate flooring in the den and kitchen that is only four years old and carpet throughout the whole house except the bathrooms, closets, and laundry room that is only four years old. If interested, please call me at 820-1167.
Also, if you know of any houses within 5-10 miles of Warren that are for sale, let me know...we want out a bit and need at least 3 bedrooms if not 4.
Friday, May 23, 2008
5 years ago...
5 years ago at exactly 7:35 p.m....Lauren Ashton Perry was brought into our lives. She weighed 7 lbs. and 12 oz. and was a breeze to deliver. After having Jackson with no pain medication what so ever, having her with my beautiful epidural was the best thing ever! I pushed for 30 minutes with Jackson and pushed one time with her. My kiddos are only 21 months apart and at times I swear it could compare with having twins! Two in diapers, 2 in baby beds, 1 back in a bottle, then 2 with sippy cups. At times it was challenging, but I wouldn't change it for the world! She loves to color, loves to be a little "mama", LOVES her barbies and Hannah Montana! They say that Gemini's are known to be super sweet one minute and be so mad the next and this definately describes our little Lauren. It is amazing how much she has grown up over the last year, into a beautiful, smart, and sweet little girl...But..She will always be my "baby"!
Happy Birthday Lauren!

**Bottom right photo in collage is courtesy of Stevens Photography.**
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I {Heart} My Guitar Hero!

What's Your Video Game Match?
My Result: Guitar Hero
Sitting on a couch, hunched over and playing another tired video game? That's so not your style. Even when you're just vegging out, you'd rather use your creative skills to rock out at the same time (and anything that gets you moving is an added bonus). You usually jump at the chance to try something inspiring or original, and Guitar Hero is guaranteed to satisfy that urge.
Whether you're headed to a karaoke bar, an art show, or a concert, you can't hide your love of all things artistic and musical. And more than just getting the satisfaction of a gig well played, in Guitar Hero you can live the fantasy of being center stage whether you're a wallflower in real life or not. Get into the game — you'll be a rock star in no time!
Whether you're headed to a karaoke bar, an art show, or a concert, you can't hide your love of all things artistic and musical. And more than just getting the satisfaction of a gig well played, in Guitar Hero you can live the fantasy of being center stage whether you're a wallflower in real life or not. Get into the game — you'll be a rock star in no time!
If you have read any of my previous posts on this awesome game, you know I love it! My hubby hates it and hates when I play it! haha So I was super stoked when this was the game that I was when taking this quiz! I'm a nerd who is bored at work! haha
Monday, May 19, 2008
New Old Kids on the Block
Up front, I want everyone to know I am totally for the New Kids Reunion because I was in LOVE with them. I just feel bad for them if they think they are going to get a new, younger audience because I don't feel it will happen. It will be us 25 - 40 year olds that are at their concerts. As you can tell by the clip below from the Today show on Friday, it is mostly older girls/women! haha Still can't help but love 'em! haha
Back in the day:
Back in the day:
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Graduation and a Party
Yesterday was Lauren's birthday party (her bday is May 23rd, but I figured with the holiday weekend, I better do it this weekend!) and her preschool graduation. We were up bright and early and had a full day ahead. My mom came up from Louisiana and we headed to her school. Jackson and his dad stayed behind to get ready for the party. I posted a video of Lauren singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider with her class. I don't know how to make it upright. :) After the party was over, we ordered pizza and had an ordeal. Our Pizza Hut is CRAZY! I order the food, wait 30 minutes, go to get it and watched the lady give one of my pizza's to a group dining in. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt and praying that I had mine already ready to go...but no, sure enough it was my pizza and they said I could wait another 30 minutes for another one. Nope, didn't have time for that since I was hosting a birthday party in 30 minutes! They gave me a $27 credit and told me to come back soon. HA! They do this crap all the time. Anyway, so I go to Sonic and it was $27 there. Ridiculous! Anyway, I posted a slide of Lauren's birthday party and even a picture of Jackson in Lauren's Hannah Montana gear. His dad was so proud. Haha....definately one for blackmail one day.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
10 Years

These pictures were the first I grabbed. They are not just senior year, but most are of me and Debbi and I found one with Kristy in it too since you guys are the only ones from school that read my blog!! The one in the middle says it all for my charisma in high school. I was happy go lucky and loved to act silly. It was taken in Debbi's room with her crown and trophy from winning Junior Miss Buck Fever! haha
My dreams and goals as written in my Senior book:
Education: I plan to go to college and earn a Bachelor of Science Degree --- Nope, got two years behind me, but that's it.
Career: I plan to be a computer programmer --- Nope, I work at the local hospital helping indigent patients receive help with their medications
Family: In ten years I plan to have at least 2 children --- CHECK!!
Home: Maybe Chris and I will have built a house --- Nope, but we bought a house in 2000 when we got married and still live in it.
Car: Hopefully I'll have something nice --- Well, yeah, I like my ol' Tahoe
Class Data:
Class colors: Orange and Black
Class motto: "Whatever!"
Class flower: Red Rose
Class Sponsor: Mr. Griffin and Mrs. George
Class President: Brooke Pennington
Class Vice President: Jaye West
Class Secretary: Lorri Hays
Class Treasurer: Latoya Tate
Class Reporter: Heather Chapman (that's me!)
I am copying off of Debbi and posting about how today is exactly ten years since we graduated. As I sit here and write this, we were actually on the football field receiving our diplomas. What is ironic is that it is raining right now and we were so worried we would have graduation in the Cultural Center with no room because of the threat of rain that night. It was humid and mosquitos were abound. I remember not being able to hear a thing that the speakers of night said as it echoed throughout the open field. I was not only upset because of the end of a wonderful life spent with my classmates (I loved the social aspect of school so much), but also because my boyfriend at the time (and husband now) would not come to my graduation. And..while my friends were leaving that night for Panama City or Destin, Florida, I was heading home. I went on my senior trip to Las Vegas two weeks later. I loved my Vegas trip, but would have liked to have gone to Florida also. So heres to the Warren High School Lumberjacks Class of 1998!!!
**See the bottom left pic of Debbi, Erica!! That face reminds of me of the pic of Gage!**
**See the bottom left pic of Debbi, Erica!! That face reminds of me of the pic of Gage!**
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
New Addition
Lauren's birthday is May 23rd and with the memorial day holiday, we are having her birthday party this Saturday. She wanted a swing set, a trampoline, or barbie car to ride in. We decided not to get the barbie car because we knew her legs would probably be in the dash and she would outgrow it soon. The trampoline will be good for Jackson's birthday in August because he wants that more and she wanted a swing set...soooo I wanted it put together before the party on Saturday and thinking that it would take several hours to put it together, Chris and one of his friends started on it this past Sunday since the weather was so nice. It only took them two hours, it looked fairly easy. I was glad, because I didn't want to have to hear how hard it was to put together for years to come! haha So Lauren and Jackson got to start playing with it early!
I know I haven't posted in forever, but it has been so busy around here. I have been painting, rearranging, and just enjoying the weather with the kids when it isn't tornadic around here. Please pray for this tornadic weather to STOP!!!
Have a good week! Good luck Debbi on the moving and I hope you are feeling better!
Congratulations to Kristy and Matt who got married today while on a cruise to St. Lucia!!
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