For those of you that watch Lost, I would like to know your thoughts on the series finale.... I know the "lost folks" can't make everyone happy, but I, for one, was very disappointed. I have read that the island stuff really happened and that eventually everyone at the end had died and the LA scenes from the flash sideways were their purgatory. What I wanted to happen was that everyone gets off the island before it sank into the ocean and the island never was and so oceanic flight 815 had landed safely and electromagnetism had erased their memories and everyone was still alive and happy and they eventually remember what happened on the island and lived happily ever after! (Biggest run-on sentence in history there, I know! ha) But, this was not the case.... I cried for like 30 minutes after it went off (Crazy, I know). My hubby kept laughing at me, of course, but I explained to him that this was MY show and I didn't want MY peeps to be dead! ha Anyway, just wanted to put that out there.....