Friday, May 18, 2012


Time for major catching up.  I have not posted in so long.  Like New Years Day 2011 so long.  One of my new year's resolutions from then was to go back to blogging frequently.  Oops!  I dropped the ball on that!  Good news is that I stuck to the other one and that was to lose weight!  I started a low calorie diet and walking on June 3, 2011 and as of Thanksgiving 2011, I had lost 52 pounds! Super excited, but that's where it ended and here it is May 2012 and I have gained a few pounds back.  My new goal on that is to start back again the first of June.  Something about me and June. 

Before Diet:

After Diet:

As stated earlier, I'm not there still, but I'm working on getting back there and more.

Other happnenings in 2011, included:

It snowed a TON in January and February of 2011.  So much so that it went in the records books.  This IS South Arkansas, after all and it was VERY unusual.

Lauren turned 8 and had her first slumber party. :)

Lauren started the third grade and Jackson started the fourth where he had his own locker and had to switch every class. 
He loved that part!

Jackson turned a whole decade old!  Where has time gone?!

AND....The hubster and I celebrated 11 years of marriage!

2012 has been great too!  The kiddos have kept me super busy with baseball, softball and gymnastics!  Whew!  Can't wait to show you what the summer may bring.  Now that I'm caught up, let's see if I can continue on. :)


Debbi said...

Woo hoo for catch ups! I love that you blogged. If you start to blog more I will try to comment more. It's hard to comment from my phone, so I don't comment as often as I should, but I will do it for you:)

love it!

The Perry Family said...

Yay! You are right about commenting from your phone. I tried commenting on this the other day and there's no way to put in the captcha. Weird. :)