Lauren graduated from Kindergarten Monday morning. She was so excited and sad at the same time. She had a great teacher this year. Jackson also had an awards ceremony that morning after her graduation. It was definately a busy day!
Here's the Class of 2021: (doesn't that sound mucho weird???)

Lauren received a trophy for Perfect Attendance for the whole year, she also had all A's this quarter, honor roll for the year, Citizenship Club for the year and Numberjack awards!

Jackson received awards for being a Handy Handwriter and Perfect Attendance. He did wonderful this year...a vast improvement. He had all A's except for his math and that is what held him off the honor roll. Go Jackson!

Thanks to Maury and Brian (Dena's hubby) for recommending places to stay in Gulf Shores. We have picked this one. It is in the Phoenix I. Not the most beautiful place, but hey...who says we will be in the room very much!? haha I'm soooooo excited for the kids to see the beach! This will be our first official family vacation. I can't wait!