I haven't posted since the last day of school and here it is, a week and a half into the NEW school year. I guess you could say I took the summer off or was addicted to facebook in a bad way, whichever you prefer....(your fault Debbi!! haha I would never have been on facebook if it wasn't for you! ha) Anyway, I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer. I have kept up with everyone's blogs even if I didn't comment. This summer was very uneventful, which is good in a way. I needed some peace and time to slow down since last summer was so busy and spent living at my in laws out of boxes!
The summer started off with the 52nd or 53rd (can't remember) Annual Bradley County Pink Tomato Festival, which is what I blogged about on my very first blog on here 2 years ago! It was a sweltering 103 this day and with Arkansas humidity, you might as well say it was 115! This is the only pic I got of the kids together. They had their hair painted by the local cheerleaders.

Next event of the summer was the 4th of July. This is, once again, the only pic of them together. Chris was shooting fireworks while we watched on the porch. We weren't able to do very many fireworks since there was a burn ban and we didn't want to set anything on fire!

Next the summer brings August 19th...the first day of 2nd grade for Jackson and

the first grade for Lauren!

And also, 9 years of marriage was celebrated by my hubby buying me a 2 carat black diamond that I picked out a ring for!! I love it! I got him a new golf bag and golf balls! ha

It was also a momentous day not only for him turning 8, but he received as his gift from us, his very first set of golf clubs. We are a golf family and this is special to us!! I can't wait to take pics of him when his dad takes him to play on the course this weekend!! I know a tear will be in my eye! I always wanted him to play golf even before he was conceived! :)